Parole per viaggiare Italian for Tourists and Travellers

Parole per viaggiare Italian for Tourists and Travellers

A cura di Scribedit
  • Le Parole per viaggiare
  • 2012

In Italy for work or pleasure? Wish you could communicate with the locals?

Everything you need to know when going on a trip, booking a hotel room, ordering food, buying tickets, going shopping and in many more everyday situations, all in one handy phrasebook.

A clear lay-out with easy-to-follow sections means you can find what you need with no fuss.

Nel libro
• 312 pages • 3500 words and 1500 phrases • Sections on general information and everyday communication, meeting people, food and drink, shopping, free time and emergencies • Bonus section on Italian food and drink containing special insider tips on how to make the most of your stay • 90 information boxes on Italian culture and society • Dictionary containing more than 2500 words

1 Tutti volumi e versioni

I prezzi, comprensivi di IVA, possono variare senza preavviso.
In mancanza di indicazione l'opera è a aliquota 4% in regime di IVA assolta all'origine.

Volume unico

Pagine: 312 ISBN: 9788808327765
Disponibile in 5 gg lavorativi
Prezzo: € 15,40
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