Master it!
Sarah M. Howell Lisa Kester-Dodgson

Master it!

B1 Preliminary for Schools

  • 2023

Scaffolding: training and tips for each type of task

  • In the Training sections, tips, guided exercises and checklists help students master each part of the exam.

Get Ready: vocabulary and grammar with common mistakes

  • The Get Ready! sections at the end of each test review vocabulary and grammar and focus on the common mistakes that language learners might make.

Oracy File: stems and talking points for effective communication

  • The Oracy File section helps students communicate effectively during the Speaking parts of the exam. Lists of sentence stems useful for starting and continuing conversations scaffold students’ talk so they are able to focus more freely on the task; activities covering the different topics included in the exam encourage students to hold conversations and further develop their speaking and active listening skills.

Ebook multimediale dei volumi + le risorse digitali

Altre proposte nel sito del libro:

In sintesi:

  • Scaffolding: training and tips for each type of task
  • Get Ready: vocabulary and grammar with common mistakes
  • Oracy File: stems and talking points for effective communication

Opera disponibile in 2 volumi e versioni

I prezzi sono comprensivi di IVA e validi per l'anno in corso. Possono variare in casi di variazione dell'aliquota IVA
In mancanza di indicazione l'opera è a aliquota 4% in regime di IVA assolta all'origine.

Volume unico
Master it!

Volume unico

  • Pagine: 176

Versioni di questo volume:

Libro + eBook   +   tipologia ministeriale B

Libro + eBook multimediale
ISBN: 9788808899804
Disponibile in 5 gg lavorativi
Ebook consultabile per 3 anni

Solo versioni digitali eBook    tipologia ministeriale C

eBook multimediale Booktab
Questo codice ISBN non prevede il libro di carta
ISBN: 9788808122124
Disponibilità immediata
Ebook consultabile per 3 anni

Opere in regime IVA normale (aliquota 4%, salvo modifiche)

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